Forgotten Burial

By Jodi Foster

This is a non-fiction account of actual events linked to a well known murder and abduction case that reached sensational proportions in the mid-1980s, at the national level, and which has gathered a growing momentum of interest internationally since. Forgotten Burial is a novel of suspense, wry humor, life after death, and the supernatural; a story about identifying, accepting, and embracing spiritual gifts. Old enough to be fading from local memory, the tale of a Red Bluff kidnapping, torture, and sexual enslavement, dubbed, The Girl in the Box, grabbed national headlines during much of 1984. Jodi Foster had never heard of the case when she moved to Chico, California, in 1999. But that was before she found herself in the unknown, darker underbelly of this already dark public story. Shortly after moving into her apartment, Foster began to feel the presence of an unknown entity. Her young daughter had seen an angel following her mother around from room to room. Foster was soon plagued with haunting nightmares of abduction, murder, and a secret burial. Lights flashed off and on, the hands of a clock turned, a Sing and Snore Ernie doll yelled, “I feel great! I feel great!”, and an angel named “My-Liz” appeared to a young child. This was just the first night in a new apartment. This true paranormal story might just scare the skeptic right out of you, and inspire you at the same time. A story of inhumanity and stolen innocence is neither easy to tell, nor to hear. Forgotten Burial is both extremely disturbing, yet, ultimately, uplifting as we follow the author’s journey from terror to understanding, and right action.